Journal Entry #7

Category: Journal
The year is ending and Blessing Doves have been traveling. Several in Japan were carefully placed. Check out the stories and photos. A few were placed in China with more to come. Watch for these images and stories to appear. A small nest of doves was just sent off for placement in Germany, and many...

Journal Entry #6

Category: Journal
The year is half over and it seems to be passing quickly. Since Washington DC in January, I have been to Portland and twice to Minneapolis with Blessing Doves. Both city visits were wonderful, and the doves are waiting for their new homes. New homes should be popping up around the world now. Volunteers traveling...

Journal Entry #5

Category: Journal
Washington, D.C. during the 2009 Inauguration of President Barack Obama was amazing! What a special time to be able to bless a city. Tiny doves were placed obscurely in nature, at major historical markers, and randomly with personal belongings. It was a fun adventure while being followed by the Rocky Mountain News reporter and cameraman....

Journal Entry #4

Category: Journal
Friends and colleagues keep suggesting that I put some identification on the porcelain Blessing Doves, but I am still holding back. I believe that “one day” a saturation point will be reached, where there are enough Blessing Doves distributed that they will develop a voice of their own and tell a story bigger than I...

Journal Entry #3

Category: Journal
As I wait for the Blessing Doves website to come alive with stories, I am reminded that all things are in His time and for His good. The distribution of doves in Denver during the Democratic National Convention brought in only one story in spite of all my efforts to gain exposure. Many doves were...

Democratic National Convention

Category: Journal
Denver, I call home, and I am being blessed by the significant opportunity to place Blessing Doves in and around the city during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) this August when so many people, from all parts of the world, will be out and about. During this exciting time of hope and change, I pray...

Journal Entry #2

Category: Journal
July 2008 — The street corner post bills did not go up in Rochester after I returned to Denver and only one story randomly came into the site. I am disappointed that the follow up did not occur, but I do believe that The Blessing Doves did find new homes, and ‘one day’ in His...

Journal Entry #1

Category: Journal
June 2008 — The Blessing Doves website has been launched from a gallery opening at Booksmart Studio in Rochester, New York. Doves have been placed around the city of Rochester and now we wait to see if any stories come in. Soon street corner post’s bills saying ‘Found? Small porcelain dove’ will be placed around...

How it All Began

Category: Journal
One day I hand carved a wooden oak dove. It took awhile, and the process was very quiet and meditative as I unveiled the nuances of the wood to form a sleek shape into a dove. The experience was very spiritual and I was lead to study the history of the dove in Bible scripture....