Sacramento CaliforniaSacramentoDecember, 2024/Posted by: Sandra CeasInvited to be an honorary juror for an art exhibition in Sacramento, gave me a great opportunity to blessed that city once... | 0 |
Cape Cod 2024Cape Cod 2024June, 2024/Posted by: Sandra CeasA Summer get-away to teach a few classes at the Cape Cod Cultural Center gave me a great opportunity to bless the coast and... | 0 |
2023 EgyptEgyptNovember, 2023/Posted by: Sandra CeasAn exploration along the Nile River in Egypt offered excellent dove blessing placements to share with this ancient culture. [awesome-gallery... | 0 |
Random GlobalRandom GlobalSeptember, 2023/Posted by: Sandra CeasVolunteer placements around the Globe. [awesome-gallery... | 0 |
Washington DCWashington DCAugust, 2023/Posted by: Sandra CeasA visit for President Obama’s Inauguration gave us a chance to bless the city during these epic times. [awesome-gallery... | 0 |
Vienna, AustriaVienna AustriaAugust, 2023/Posted by: Sandra CeasA research trip to Vienna provided a perfect opportunity to bless the city. [awesome-gallery... | 0 |