There are a number of ways you can volunteer to help with the ongoing Blessing Doves project. Please select below which ones you would like to volunteer for. Thank You


Sign up for a prayer chain to pray for the success of the project in reaching the right individuals with blessings. You will also receive a small prayer card with the dove image for a reminder.

Assist the Artist

Assist artist in making doves at the Canyon Sanctuary. Visit the studio for a day and work with artist on preparing and praying over doves. You can assist in the placement of doves.

Host the Artist

Hosting the artist to bless your area. Artist will distribute Blessing Doves throughout your area, in which you can help.

Sponsor a Placement

Sponsor a Blessing Doves placement with $50.00 donation to cover materials.

Sponsor a "Recall"

Sponsor a “recall” for Blessing Doves stories. Run an ad in a local newspaper where Blessing Doves have been distributed to seek recipient stories. Expenses vary.

Place "Lost and Found"

Place “Lost and Found” flyers around a city where Blessing Doves have been distributed to seek recipient stories. Flyer would be provided.

Internet Time

Volunteer internet time to seek recipient stories.