Journal Entry #16: Heading into Year Number 8

Category: Journal
As 2013 comes to a close and I speculate the professional art opportunities on the horizon for 2014, I realize I better get to sanding all the little doves I cast this year so I can fire them for the adventures that lie ahead. When May 2014 arrives, the Blessing Doves project will be eight...

Journal Entry #15: Italy, Here I come

Category: Journal
It’s the middle of 2013 and I am completing another kiln load of Blessing Doves for a trip to Italy in July. I will be participating in an Artist-in-Residence in Assisi, Italy. I will also be traveling to Northern Italy in the Piedmont region to visit Occhieppo Inferiore where my grandmother was born. If all...

Journal Entry #14

Category: Journal
January 2013 — The year of 2012 went by very fast and was mostly absorbed with my focus to complete another Master’s Degree. This time in Philosophy and Religious Studies to compliment my MFA as I blend my art practice with social interventions around the world in religiously sensitive regions. After graduating, my first opportunity...

Journal Entry #13

Category: Journal
July 2012 — The past year has provided lots of global opportunities for me to travel professionally and to continue blessing the world with little doves. It’s now time to get back in the studio to make another kiln load for 2013. Back to casting, patching, drying, sanding, firing and polishing the Blessing Doves for...

Journal Entry #12

Category: Journal
Another year is coming to an end. It has been almost six years of placing doves. I made a pledge to myself that I would continue to cast and place the doves for ten years, so I am just over half way. My personal and professional life has provided lots of new international travel opportunities....

Journal Entry #11

Category: Journal
It’s been a busy summer. Went back to NYC and Los Angeles, then visited a couple of new locations: New Mexico and Houston, Texas. Soon I’ll be off to Vienna, Austria. It is so cool to be able to bring Blessing Doves along to all the places I get to go, especially when it is...

Journal Entry #10

Category: Journal
Having just returned from the Holy Lands in Israel, I have much to reflect upon. My bible readings have so much more meaning now as I recall some of the places and names mentioned. It’s hard to believe that I walked where Jesus walked and experienced the land in which he lived. Much has changed,...

Journal Entry #9

Category: Journal
My first international speaking engagement took me to a military base in Kattebach, Germany just south of Frankfurt. I was the keynote speaker for an art exhibition and 9/11 ceremony. Over 100 Blessing Doves were gifted and distributed across the land. See some images in Germany gallery section, and check in to see the stories...

Journal Entry #8

Category: Journal
Two conference presentation put me on the road again talking about the power and the gift of art for social change. Each of these opportunities give me a chance to bless a new location with Blessing Doves. This time I went to Omaha Nebraska, and Baltimore, Maryland. Many more travels lay ahead to speak and...

Journal Entry #7

Category: Journal
The year is ending and Blessing Doves have been traveling. Several in Japan were carefully placed. Check out the stories and photos. A few were placed in China with more to come. Watch for these images and stories to appear. A small nest of doves was just sent off for placement in Germany, and many...